Just when the film starts to wrap up, and the audience begins to relax, thinking they've got everything worked out, Peele throws in one last shock to leave everyone reeling. It starts with the simple premise of a family vacation gone wrong and only gets crazier from there. Jordan Peele's original horror film Usis a nail-biting experience from start to finish. Marta sips from a mug that says, " My house, my rules," thus indicating there's been a massive shift of power between her and the privileged family through an immensely satisfying final shot. Harlan's will gave the house to Marta instead of anyone in the family, and the film ends with Marta stepping out onto the balcony, looking down on the ousted Thrombeys. Related: Biggest Clues To Knives Out's Killer TwistĪs Ransom is escorted out of the house in handcuffs, the rest of the Thrombey family gathers outside the house they all believed they were entitled to. In reality, Harlan's playboy grandson, Ransom (Chris Evans), switched the labels on the drugs so Marta would give Harlan the wrong dosage. Having spent most of the film telling viewers kindly nurse Marta (Ana de Armas) was responsible for the death of famed crime novelist Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer) after she injected him with the wrong drug, Johnson pulls the rug out from under everyone by revealing that Marta isn't to blame at all. Rian Johnson's Knives Outhas so many twists and turns, but the best one comes at the end. It's a twist on history that instead keeps one of Hollywood's most vibrant actresses at the time alive. Rick and Cliff kill all of the cultists, and the film ends with Tate inviting Rick over to hang out. This then leads to an extremely violent all-out brawl between Rick, his best friend Cliff (Pitt), and the Manson followers. Tate's next door neighbor, Rick Dalton (DiCaprio), notices the would-be murderers lingering outside and engages them in conversation. At the end of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Manson's cult of followers turn up at Cielo Drive with the intention to murder Tate and her friends. However, it turns out Tarantino didn't intend to depict Tate's death at all. Some people took issue with Tarantino using the murder of Tate as a backdrop for a story centered on two men (Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt).

Tarantino wanted to look back on 1960s Hollywood and the Manson Murders, something that became abundantly clear when Margot Robbie was cast as Sharon Tate. When Quentin Tarantino's ninth feature Once Upon a Time in Hollywoodwas announced, controversy struck up as the plot details were revealed.

Jackson) and, amusingly, Captain Marvel's Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), but the first is the one that leaves viewers desperate for the next installment. There's also another end-credits scene featuring Nick Fury (Samuel L. While it's technically an end-credits scene, it serves as an extension of the movie's ending. Jonah Jameson, and the Daily Bugle makes its first MCU appearance. The scene is made all the better by featuring a cameo from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films: J.K. Even worse, footage of Mysterio's death has been edited to look like Peter was the real villain all along. Now the world knows that Peter is Spider-Man. Having saved the day and gotten the girl, Peter has just wrapped up a quick date with his new girlfriend MJ (Zendaya) when news breaks that Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) revealed Spider-Man's true identity before he died.
Spider-Man: Far From Home's biggest twist technically isn't part of the actual movie it comes during the first end-credits scene, right when audiences think Peter Parker (Tom Holland) has emerged from his latest adventure unscathed.

This sets up a thrilling concept for John Wick 4, which is already set for release in 2021. Winston's actions left John's head spinning, as well as the audience's. Fed up with the High Table's rules and actions, the two agree to team up to take it down. John is presumed dead by Winston and the Adjudicator, but in reality he is rescued and brought to the Bowery King (Laurence Fishburne), who is also thought to be dead. However, things go sideways quickly when Winston shoots John and sends him toppling down to the street below.

He meets with the High Table's Adjudicator (Asia Kate Dillon) and his trusted ally Winston (Ian McShane) on the Continental Hotel's roof to broker a deal.
The John Wick franchise has the distinction of being the rare series that seems to get better as it goes on, and that continued to be true with John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum. Following John's (Keanu Reeves) wild journey after being dubbed "excommunicado" from the High Table, he finally seems to win his freedom after holding his ground against the High Table's forces.